A letter from Main Street Children's Choir Founder Barbara Lynsenko
As my husband and I were taking a walk along the beach, I reflected on how it is not our social nature to distance from other people. I think it is something that everyone craves. However, staying healthy and safe is also something we all need and crave. Social distancing is the way to make that happen.
There are many creative solutions for making life at home fun and interesting. Music can make an ordinary task fun and fill a room with smiles! Try some of these family musical activities:
1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds in song. My personal favorite is “Grizzly Bear,” but ”Pop! Goes the Weasel” can work too. Here is a graphic with lyrics to both these traditional songs.
2. Take out your favorite dance music and show those fancy moves. Your children will love it as much as you. Dress up and act silly! Release those dancing inhibitions.
3. Sing songs you know. “Old MacDonald” is always a perennial favorite with the younger set. Ask your children what their favorite song is. Songs making people use their thinking skills are fun. Some examples are “Bingo” leaving out the letters to encourage musical thinking on the inside or “Bought Me a Cat” strengthening memories skills working backwards.
We will get through this difficult time. Normally, lives are very fast paced. During this pause at home, count the many blessings around you. Be safe! Be healthy and don’t forget to sing your way through social distancing. The smiles are very contagious!
Try our online music and movement classes for early childhood family music making. www.KidsMusicRound.com
Barbara Lysenko, director
Main Street Children’s Choir
Kids’ MusicRound LLC